A short story by Ambrose Bierce The Ants and the Grasshopper

Title: The Ants and the Grasshopper

Author: Ambrose Bierce       [More Titles by Bierce]

SOME Members of a Legislature were making schedules of their wealth at the end of the session, when an Honest Miner came along and asked them to divide with him. The members of the Legislature inquired:

"Why did you not acquire property of your own?"

"Because," replied the Honest Miner, "I was so busy digging out gold that I had no leisure to lay up something worth while."

Then the Members of the Legislature derided him, saying:

"If you waste your time in profitless amusement, you cannot, of course, expect to share the rewards of industry."

Ambrose Bierce's short story/fable: The Ants and the Grasshopper

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